Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2016

360° Movie of Grotte de Choranche in Vercors, France

This movie is interesting, as it was filmed in 360°, which means you can look around while you are watching. Great thing to ignore the journalist ad look at the cave instead...
Its only 2:30 long, but shows all interesting things of this beautiful cave.

Freitag, 16. Dezember 2016


Hello Show Cave Fans,
this is the revived blog. I used this blog to collect show cave related news. Unfortunately I did not upgrade the software regularly, and so it was hacked and my server used to send spam emails. Fortunately my provider is quite good and stopped this pretty fast by shutting down the blog. I decided to keep it like that and deleted it.
So this is the successor, and as it is now on blogger, google cares for the updates.
I hope there will be many onteresting news in the future.